Get inspired by Ruby recipes and background articles about Ruby chocolate

of media from all round the world.

BuzzFeed released the Trader Joe's New Spring Products Just, including the Ruby Cacao Figs

MeinBeirk is about Andreas Heindl new creation for the 2023 Easter. Including Ruby chocolate bunnies and sweet eggs.

Vogue Girl selected the best afternoon tea with a romantic mood to celebrate Valentine’s. 


Bvlgari launched a limited edition Easter Egg in Japan, with a Ruby Chocolate version.

The sweet treats from Leonisa’s Kitchen get a romantic spin this Valentine’s day, with almond caramel and ruby chocolate strawberry cream puffs, plus mango shortcake, chocolate entremet, heart-shaped cheesecake, and more. 

Kronen Zeitung interviewed the chef Heindl to discover the 5 secrets from the Easter production. 


Daily Mail wrote an article about Ruby Chocolate and why it is a trend for Valentine's in 2023.